That’s a wrap on the ASA Night Market!
Follow @asaredlands on Instagram to stay updated on future meeting and events. Go Bulldogs!
#UofR #UniversityofRedlands #Bulldogs #ASA #NightMarket #College #CampusLife
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- 0:27That’s a wrap on the ASA Night Market!Follow @asaredlands on Instagram to stay updated on future meeting and events. Go Bulldogs! #UofR #UniversityofRedlands #Bulldogs #ASA #NightMarket #College #CampusLife
- 0:43SPOTTED: A future bulldog becoming a University of Redlands student! - XOXO 🐾Spotted: A future Bulldog about to start their journey at University of Redlands! Ready to join a vibrant, impactful community where you’ll explore your passions and achieve academic excellence while making lifelong connections? Submit your deposit now and become a Bulldog today: #UofR #BulldogBound #College #GossipGirl